Fundamentals of C++11 and C++14

(code CPPF-11)


The goal of this three-day hands-on programming course is to introduce the most important syntax and new features in C++11/C++14. We also discuss the migration from C++98 to C++11/C++14 including deprecated C++98 features, improved features as well as new functionality. We show how to use the new syntax, first by taking motivational and easy to understand examples and then progressing to more extended cases that use advanced C++ functionality and libraries. We concentrate on the functionality that promotes developer productivity, code robustness and maintainability. The percentage theory/practice is approximately 50/50 percent.

After having completed this course you will have learned the most important syntax and functionality in C++11/C++14 and be able to use it in applications. The course Advanced C++11 and C++14 (code CPPA-11) builds on and extends this course.


Subjects Covered

  • What’s new in C++11; deprecated features in C++98.
  • New and improved fundamental syntax and language features.
  • Introduction to functional programming and lambda functions in C++.
  • New data types, containers and algorithms (STL).
  • Improved and extended templates.
  • Libraries (Regex, random numbers, std::bind)
  • Introduction to C++ Concurrency (threads and tasks).



  • Learn C++11 essentials in an easy to follow, step-by-step manner.
  • Apply new skills to your applications.
  • Access to full source code in the book.
  • Exercises and mini-projects to consolidate the skills learned.
  • Learn modern multiparadigm programming styles in C++.


For whom is this Course?

C++ programmers who develop applications in C++98. No previous knowledge of C++11 is necessary. Please note that we will not be reviewing C++98 syntax.

If you are interested in taking this course (in original or customised form) please contact us at


What do you receive?

Course slides and full source code related to the course.


Follow-up Courses

  • Advanced C++11 and C++14 (code CPPA-11)
  • Advanced System Design and Software Design Patterns (DESA)


Click here for course contents.


Your Trainer

Daniel J. Duffy started the company Datasim in 1987 to promote C++ as a new object-oriented language for developing applications in the roles of developer, architect and requirements analyst to help clients design and analyse software systems for Computer Aided Design (CAD), process control and hardware-software systems, logistics, holography (optical technology) and computational finance. He used a combination of top-down functional decomposition and bottom-up object-oriented programming techniques to create stable and extendible applications (for a discussion, see Duffy 2004 where we have grouped applications into domain categories). Previous to Datasim he worked on engineering applications in oil and gas and semiconductor industries using a range of numerical methods (for example, the finite element method (FEM)) on mainframe and mini-computers.


Daniel Duffy has BA (Mod), MSc and PhD degrees in pure and applied mathematics and has been active in promoting partial differential equation (PDE) and finite difference methods (FDM) for applications in computational finance. He was responsible for the introduction of the Fractional Step (Soviet Splitting) method and the Alternating Direction Explicit (ADE) method in computational finance.


He is also the originator of two very popular C++ online courses (both C++98 and C++11/14) on in cooperation with Quantnet LLC and Baruch College (CUNY), NYC. He also trains developers and designers around the world. He can be contacted for queries, information and course venues, in-company course and course dates.

Fundamentals of C++11 and C++14

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